
Sunday, December 30, 2018

Hands and Gesture 12/30

My gesture drawings suck so bad! I wish I practiced them more!

I meant to take what I learned from Bridgman (no e!) the other day and draw some hands, which I did, but then I got distracted...

Studying anatomy

I haven't managed to make time to practice at all during the holidays, but I drew a lot today. Studying Bridgeman.

Tried to copy a bunch of InCase's stuff as well. Really happy with the dicks, not so happy with everything else.

I dunno I should probably be studying from life more and also from resources designed to teach anatomy before trying to mindlessly copy excellent and super sexy fun work I don't yet understand.

- V

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Random portrait

Not a lot of time to practice the past couple days. Working on personal projects.
Figure composition is really rough. At least my portraiture skills are ehh.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Everyone has to start somewhere...

Hey hey take a look at the drawn/painted smut I did over the summer. Whoo.

This is literally the first porn I ever drew. Hopefully this shows I was pretty bad once. (I'm saying that as if I'll ever be good heh).

Hello, world


I'm V, and I want to draw good porn.
About a year ago I read InCase's "The Invitation" and I was like, "Damn, I want to learn how to do that", so I picked up a pencil and paper and started learning.
Turns out drawing is hard, especially when you're a full-time student. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm still learning a lot, but I'm in a place where I think I'm ready to share my process with whoever still uses Blogspot (I'm only using this platform because tumblr fucking ate it like three days ago).
I'm basically going to post all non-personal digital stuff I do here, including practice and WIPs, starting with this.

I really tried to focus on rhythmic sketching here, paying attention to force and curves. I later went back to identify the three major masses or develop some features in some of them.

Hopefully in the future, when I've got this evolving library of sexy work people can come here and see where I started out and the work one has to do to develop as an artist...and how shit I was when I started out.