
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Catching up, after neglect

Alright, I started letting this fall by the wayside in mid-October? And this is supposed to help document my growth--so let's work on that.


Never finished it. Very cute, surprisingly good left hand, but I was disappointed by the face, the head, and importantly, this process. Really, really big fan of these InCase-style highlights though. Also I adore the way her pussy looks here.

(I know I rely on Case too singularly as an inspiration, but since getting a twitter I've diversified my inspirations a little, shut up.)


A sketch that was good enough for me to polish up. I'm doing the same sort of highlights and shadows here. These hands are trash, and I had to reshape and resize her head a bunch once importing it into Clip Studio. Other than that, a fun sketch. But those thighs...I wanted to draw a thick trans girl with a dynamic pose but I should've done more creative work into making her thick than just making her thighs thicker than her torso.

Was in a femdom mood recently. I feel like this is the best work I've done in my life. Obviously I see some things I could've done better (funky line width, not sure that's how hips/armpits work, highlights/hair are kind of mushy... I'll stop there) but I'm seriously proud of this.

Some of my main inspirations for the creative choices I made here are @BoxOfWant and @taamyra.

January (i.e. today)

Twink with a sword! I'm standing up, chanting. Twink with a sword! Twink with a sword! I'm on top of the table now, shouting.
A fun, quick sketch, messy as hell.

So here's the takeaway: I'm still bad. Or, at least, I'm not yet making the kind of art that compares with my initial inspirations. I need to improve in gesture, workflow, perspective, anatomy, thinking with forms, hair, composition, framing, style, color, etc. etc. etc..

What excites me is that looking back at myself from last year I can see a ton of improvement. Even since the summer, I can tell from looking at my first finished work--compared to what I can do right now, it looks very flawed. Here's to another year of growth!

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