
Thursday, December 24, 2020

I'm Not Dead I'm Just Bad

 It's been a while since the last update--I'm incredibly busy with a variety of personal things. I know no one reads these, but I still want to keep this as an archive for what it takes to become the kind of artist I'll hopefully become. Anyway, these are the two sketches I'm proud enough of to share here:

This is just a random witch I doodled--I want to get much better at character design, and I had a fun time with her. Proportionally and anatomically I think I did a good job here, but as ever, I need to work on feet and hair.


This is a study of...I'm not exactly sure. I think it's Sakura Kirishima? Everything's good except the likeness. I should do more of these--gesture is fine as a study tool but it'll never teach you practical anatomy in context.

Speaking of, here are some pictures of my sketchbook. A lot of gesture and thoughtless doodles. I haven't really had the opportunity to practice the way I want to recently, but I'm on holiday for the next few weeks so that'll change. You can see why I'm not proud of these, but I figure it's important to show my progress, warts and all.

One of my big problems is that anything here that isn't a gesture sketch probably took like 15 mins by itself. I'm really slow.

At this point, I want to emphasize I've gone through three full sketchbooks and a half-sized sketchbook. This is taking a long time--not unexpected, but even with a fairly serious commitment to art, progress is slow.

I've also recently done some personal projects which I won't show here. Again, not much out of the ordinary.

My art goals for the coming year are

  • to do way more full-sized studies (esp. of sexy people doing sexy things because that's my ultimate goal which I haven't made much progress on)
  • to learn hair, feet, and knees
  • to learn expressions
  • to not put form and gesture practice to the side
  • to get faster and more confident
  • to start learning color
  • to start practicing digital painting more often

I'd like to put out a few finished pieces as well, but I'm too much of a baby when it comes to color and the digital process to promise anything.

Interesting tip! I study a lot from reddit galleries, and you can hack together a timed porn gesture session by using the timer function on redditp, for example, with a 120 second timer. This is great because doing this manually, managing a timer, being disciplined, etc. is hard to do yourself, especially if you're looking at reference pictures that make you horny.

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