
Thursday, February 4, 2021

Mommy Milkers



Damn, I can't avoid it, I love big titties. I think this particular bout comes from the recent Resident Evil 8 trailers and the big vampire lady.

Ok, thoughts:

  • I'm happy with the expression, general form/anatomy, the pose, and the flat colors. The lighting, approach to bg, texture, and character design are all fine as well. Obviously these can all be improved, but I came in wanting to create a one-character, simplistic, finished artwork, and I think I succeeded.
  • The one bit of linework that's really bothering me is the cleavage. It currently makes it look like the boobs attach to the top of the collarbone rather than the pecs.
  • Disappointed with the hair. Fine shape, but the process I used made it so I had no room for detail or texture.
  • The rendering sucks ass, it's so splotchy.
  • The shadows on the face are bad.
  • The style and process I used with my linework doesn't lend itself to this kind of rendering. I could've had better success with this linework and a flatter image, or more subtle, controlled linework and a painting style that was this rendered or more.
  • Disappointed with the value scale and the hue variation of the skin in particular. Shadows are either too dark or not dark enough, highlights are either off-puttingly cartoonish or barely perceptible.
  • This took way too long, and the reason why is that I can't just make a decision and stick with it. Most of the time spent on this piece was trying out different colors, values, weights, before making every stroke. I need to get to a point where I can make decisions confidently and stop hitting CTRL-Z impulsively. This extra time spent isn't even an asset to this piece--it's still riddled with issues.

The takeaways are do more studies, both from real life and artists I like. I know the issues of studying from artists, but I need to figure out how to combine linework and painting, and studying from good artists will help me with that.

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