
Saturday, March 9, 2024

2024 Part 4 Part 2: Studies and Observation

The last dump from 2024!

Yellowroom painting studies...their brush control is really good.
References: 1, 2
Crom study. I love his character and shape design. He's a machine
Reference: 1

I stumbled into a Frank Frazetta art book. Truly one of the greatest draftsmen I've had the pleasure to study from. Really masterful.
Composition and likeness studies from Twin Peaks! I wish I could take the quality and energy of my studies into my own work.

 From porn. Can't find the sources :(
SaryBomb's Break Protocols! Truly just slutty subby twink (the sad trash boy on the right) wish-fulfillment fantasy. It's fantastic.

InCase's Library comic and Midlife Crisis. What's there to say about this man? His comic output is ridiculous, and despite his level of refinement and quality he's constantly experimenting with new media and formats and projects. One of the few men who can rival WLW artists in terms of drawing hot sex. I hope one day to approach his level of talent from even like a decade ago.

Yeah, that's it! As I may have mentioned already my goal is to release an illustration every month this year. Heading into 2025 I want to have an established process and some foundational knowledge in all the components of finished work--line, form, color, value, rendering. I can't afford (time-wise nor money-wise) to work on art for more than, at most, 1-2 hours a day, and to improve I need to be really deliberate about my time and adopt practices and techniques that correspond to the time I have.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Feb 24

Well, this isn't the last 2023 post. Nor did I try to learn from the stylistic choices I linked in my previous post. Also this is over a week overdue. 2024 is going great!

Honestly, I still like this picture. I wanted to do something more than just a pinup, use some reference, keep it desaturated, think seriously about light, color, and shadow shapes, have a coherent palate, do a simple background, etc., and I think I hit all those. I really like the speculars on the dildo and her dick, which is a technique/process entirely stolen from RCD here. The contrast and shapes on her stockings turned out well, too--I was really struggling with those. And I love the little black widow tattoo detail

Some things I still need to work on:

  • Tattoos are fun but I had a hard time include them in her design without introducing new focal points and pulling away from the composition
  • I rely on piercings wayyy too much in character designs. I think the last three pinups I did had characters with nipple piercings.
  • Soft-edge brushes (like CSP's gouache) are a bit of a crutch for me at the moment. I should really focus on only hard edges, like I said last time.
  • I need to get better at painting cum! I think this is too translucent. I should study other artists.
  • I could be a liiiittle more bold with the shadow value on skin. And by a liiiittle I mean a medium amount.

I made a lot of personal work in February. That's my excuse. I have some good ideas for March's illustration. This took probably 4 sessions for a total of 5-6 hours. Not bad.

Last 2023 post is coming literally tomorrow.