
Friday, March 8, 2024

Feb 24

Well, this isn't the last 2023 post. Nor did I try to learn from the stylistic choices I linked in my previous post. Also this is over a week overdue. 2024 is going great!

Honestly, I still like this picture. I wanted to do something more than just a pinup, use some reference, keep it desaturated, think seriously about light, color, and shadow shapes, have a coherent palate, do a simple background, etc., and I think I hit all those. I really like the speculars on the dildo and her dick, which is a technique/process entirely stolen from RCD here. The contrast and shapes on her stockings turned out well, too--I was really struggling with those. And I love the little black widow tattoo detail

Some things I still need to work on:

  • Tattoos are fun but I had a hard time include them in her design without introducing new focal points and pulling away from the composition
  • I rely on piercings wayyy too much in character designs. I think the last three pinups I did had characters with nipple piercings.
  • Soft-edge brushes (like CSP's gouache) are a bit of a crutch for me at the moment. I should really focus on only hard edges, like I said last time.
  • I need to get better at painting cum! I think this is too translucent. I should study other artists.
  • I could be a liiiittle more bold with the shadow value on skin. And by a liiiittle I mean a medium amount.

I made a lot of personal work in February. That's my excuse. I have some good ideas for March's illustration. This took probably 4 sessions for a total of 5-6 hours. Not bad.

Last 2023 post is coming literally tomorrow.

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