
Friday, January 19, 2024

Hard Rendering Lesson

The lesson is: Don't try to figure out a process while doing it!

I wanted to make a second illustration this month. TBH I kind of set myself up for failure with this one:

I wanted to do something with multiple figures, more dynamic anatomy, really practice linework, and also use colored lighting. The drawing went fairly well (obviously there are some issues: hand anatomy, varying scales, varying line width, consistent face styles...) but this is more I can handle WRT actually finishing the work.

I wanted to airbrush in some basic hue variation/a little tone before going to work painting, since I had some success with that in a personal project:

...And here's where I just ran into a brick wall for two hours. This is as far as I got before my partner literally forced me to stop because of how late it was.

It's extremely inconsistent and doesn't read very well! I think I did ok with the top left figure but her face shadows might be a little severe and I can't use that detailed approach for five figures without really going crazy.

I'm pleased by the fact that the tones and hues read despite the limited value and color range, and I think the shadows are *generally* well-placed, but the point is that I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to rendering or choosing light/shadow colors/values.

I think this is really exacerbated by the colored light and the variety of skin/hair tones. I want to return to this one day but for now I need to move on for my own sanity.

I wanted to explore my own painting/rendering skills so I did some paintings from imagination in the style of Sinix's anatomy quick tips videos:

These are ok but I'm not really satisfied. Here's what I learned.

  1. Even on my favorite parts of these, my brush control is GOD-AWFUL. Literally terrible. It ruins my shapes and blending.
  2. Vulva anatomy is so hard and confusing! With dicks you just plop it down there and it occludes everything, don't have to worry about tendons in the thighs or whatever.
  3. My other anatomy isn't a focus for me right now, given that I did an ok job without reference.
  4. My ability to place highlights and shadows as well as choose colors for them is fine. Not great, but not something I want to devote time to right now.

FWIW I used no reference because I really wanted to test my visual library and knowledge. I do use reference whenever I'm not just sketching for fun.

I really want to pursue the rendering style of these artists for now:

I know a lot of these artists work in different styles and do a lot of rendered work, but I want to pick a lane and stick to it for now, and that lane is basic light/shadow shapes with limited hue variation and very little rendering. I think these works of theirs do a good job showing that off.

The reason I'm picking this approach is because understanding hard light/shadow shapes is a building block for being able to make fully rendered work.

Let's keep going.

(I promise the last 2023 post is next)

:// hasdfttps: // 

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