
Sunday, January 7, 2024

2023 Part 3: Inktober

 Here are some of my selected Inktober works. I mostly worked with water-based Tombow Brush Pens and specifically limited myself to four tones:

  1. The white of the page for light surfaces and highlights
  2. A light tone such as N75 or N95 for midtones/darker shades in the light value range
  3. A dark tone such as N45 for the dark value range
  4. N15 for dark shadows, blacks, and sometimes outlines

This was an attempt to force myself to think in big color blocks and light & shadow shapes. For the most part, I think it worked! The vast majority of these are from reference or outright studies. I'll link the original where I can find it/remember.

This is from reference, before I started using the brush pen method mentioned above. My process here was kind of like last year's.

The first one that I did with this new method. A study of this illustration from Crom. His work is incredible!

From reference. I invented the face since the reference cut off at the neck IIRC. You can tell because the neck is too long given the perspective. Also really went too heavy on the shading on the face. The bad thing about traditional inking is that recovering from a mistake made with a darker brush is messy and/or not possible

Study of a Renaissance landscape painting

All from reference

This was from imagination. I wanted to do something creepy for the spooky month. It was a lot of fun

A study of Nat the Lich's fantastic Maneater Mildred pinup. I love her(?) style and how readable her forms are!

 Top one from imagination, bottom a study

Copy of TotK Gerudo

Top left from reference, top right from imagination.

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