
Thursday, January 4, 2024


 2024 is going to be the year of posting! 2023 was crazy for me, but I did promise to myself to practice more every day, and started tracking how much I drew. I didn't get all the way there, but I got farther than I would have otherwise, so that's a win. 2024 I'm challenging myself to do at least one finished digital piece a month. Hopefully I can get in the habit of doing this.

This one's pretty good. I wanted to start with something simple and work my way up, but it still ended up taking somewhere between 6 and 8 hours--mostly because I'm still figuring out how I like to render. Anatomy is pretty good, but some takeaways:

  • I didn't know how to do sheer materials like stockings and eventually just decided I needed to move on. I should study this.
  • I'm not great with faces
  • Using the pencil brush for inking is fine for inking, but it kind of screws you over when doing fills, since it's not super dense. Zooming in this is very messy.
  • I'd like to have better shape design for light and shadow. I find it's hard to do that with the brushes I've been using.

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