
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

1HS #3

Finally, some good okay fucking art!
I'm pretty happy with this, especially for only my third study.

I wanted to study from a heavier model because here we stan all body types and by that I mean I will produce fetishistic art of literally everyone. a little weird? But I hope people will see it as "hey, that sexy person looks like me" and not "hey, this is creepy and weird".

Also by plus-sized I mean this was kind of the highest-quality erotic reference I could find after looking at pictures of naked women for like an hour. I need to try better/source reference from a better place.

Some takeaways:
  • I made some new brushes, they're pretty good.
  • Good gesture
  • Value is ok but not great--I squinted a little but need to squint even more.
  • Taking advantage of layers and digital tools is great, I don't know why I ruled it out before
  • Drawing an outline first was sooo soooo useful. Do that all the time.
  • I feel like this process is going to be not useful for me when I do comic-style art, which is what I prefer...feel that out more next time. Still, value studies will never go to waste.
  • The airbrush, it turns out, is amazing. This next picture is the first one but after airbrushing for like five minutes.
Yeah, this was heartening! Gonna keep working on it.

EDIT: Oh yeah haha I also cheated on this one and took like 30 extra minutes whooops

Monday, July 29, 2019

1HS: #2

#2, pretty bad

So I took probably 1h20 with this because I'm a cheater.

  • I didn't like the opaque watercolor brush as much as I thought
  • Squint more! I cannot overstate this, holy shit
  • Because I didn't squint enough, the contrast on this is garbo
  • Things got a lot easier when I
    • Drew an outline. Maybe I'm just used to drawing instead of painting, but having a well-defined outline helped a lot. The face is much less trash than expected mostly because of this.
    • Drew shapes of value instead of trying to capture gradient. I'm not sure I'm explaining this right, but blending between blocked out shapes is a lot easier than just guessing value gradients.
  • Work in layers. I know I probably should understand how to paint a character over a background because it'll help me with composition even when working in layers but goddamn, I fuck up a lot, and fucking up the foreground fucks up the background. Take advantage of the tech.
  • Speaking of, I'm trying to learn more about skin than I am about backgrounds--keep them vague and don't worry about perspective/detailing for these exercises that much.
Ok, so this is hard. And it's probably going to be hard for months.
That's ok! I can already tell I'm understanding more than I was two days ago.


Sunday, July 28, 2019

1HS: #1

One Hour Study #1!
Well this fucking sucks. Time for some hopefully constructive self-crit.

  • The left thigh is rendered nicely
  • Gesture and anatomy went well
  • I learned about some brushes I like
  • Hands and feet went surprisingly well

  • Hue is trash, way too yellowy/muddy
  • Not nearly rendered enough to make visual sense despite giving myself overtime for the face
  • This process isn't working out for me, when trying to render on a singly layer I keep fucking up my older brushstrokes (not that they were any good in the first place :P)
  • It looks bad
  • Value is trash
Takeaway is the next one is going to be pure value study because hue might be too hard for me for now.
This will continue until I feel like it/get super busy/feel like I've learned enough.

Finished work #1

Who is this person? Why are they naked? Why do they have so many blue books?

I drew this following the process of a couple recent InCase streams which is why it looks so stylistically similar.

Honestly this turned out ok (better than I expected!) and I learned a lot but it took a really long time and I need to start figuring out how to make decisions on my own instead of following a guide.

I think my next project is going to be a bunch of painting studies--I'll give myself an hour and see what I can accomplish and what I can learn. I also want to try out some new styles. Also if I time myself like that I can force myself to take breaks and stretch :P.

So one of those should be coming up tonight? Hopefully.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Trying to make more of an effort to post!

Once per weekend, at least.

I have the horrible combination of having too many ambitions and a job which means I put art goals to the side a little too often.

Anyway, here's a sketch + a cool recoloring of it.