
Monday, July 29, 2019

1HS: #2

#2, pretty bad

So I took probably 1h20 with this because I'm a cheater.

  • I didn't like the opaque watercolor brush as much as I thought
  • Squint more! I cannot overstate this, holy shit
  • Because I didn't squint enough, the contrast on this is garbo
  • Things got a lot easier when I
    • Drew an outline. Maybe I'm just used to drawing instead of painting, but having a well-defined outline helped a lot. The face is much less trash than expected mostly because of this.
    • Drew shapes of value instead of trying to capture gradient. I'm not sure I'm explaining this right, but blending between blocked out shapes is a lot easier than just guessing value gradients.
  • Work in layers. I know I probably should understand how to paint a character over a background because it'll help me with composition even when working in layers but goddamn, I fuck up a lot, and fucking up the foreground fucks up the background. Take advantage of the tech.
  • Speaking of, I'm trying to learn more about skin than I am about backgrounds--keep them vague and don't worry about perspective/detailing for these exercises that much.
Ok, so this is hard. And it's probably going to be hard for months.
That's ok! I can already tell I'm understanding more than I was two days ago.


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